Have you tried sending an Instant Message from your mobile phone yet? It's actually very easy.
If you have WAP access (often using GPRS), you can log into our Instant Messaging Service and interact with millions of people while on the move!
If your mobile phone has SMS only, you can use our Instant Messaging service too by viewing your buddy list and sending and receiving Instant Messages by SMS!
Untuk dapatka mengirim SMS lewat internet biasanya setiap provider menyertakan program untuk download. sebelum anda download programnya anda harus menjadi member terlebih dahulu dengan mendaftar account (sign up>pada situs tersebut, jika anda sudah terdaftar maka anda dapat download softwarenya atau juga dapat sms langsung via web, jangan lupa sms lewat internet harus diketik kode negaranya untu Indonesia di awali +62.
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